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Hire Maids - A Fresh Clean Start To The New School Year


It’s time to hire maids!

If your summer has been busy with a house full of kids, you may be looking forward to the upcoming school year. The kids have kept you busy all season bringing them to and from summer activities. When they’re not at soccer practice or the movies, they’re inviting friends over. Your kids and their friends are in and out of the house at all hours of the day. They’ve spent all summer tracking in dirt, grass, and who knows what else. With all the commotion going on, it’s understandable that cleaning has been put on the back burner.

When the school bell rings once again, the house will be still and quiet. As the dust settles (literally), and kids get started on school projects, you may feel overwhelmed with the cleaning project ahead of you. It’s time to hire maids! Invite our team over to help you take care of that “end of summer” cleaning.

Your plate is still full

Just because the kids will be out of the house, doesn’t mean you’ll have more free time. With the new school year comes a new set of activities and extracurriculars to plan around. Instead of pool parties and day camp, you’ll be busy with band practice and homework help. Happy Maids can take house cleaning off your to-do list, allowing you to be more involved in their education while maintaining your sanity.

Help your kids refocus

A fresh start at home is a great way to start a fresh school year for both you and your kids. Summer is a time for your kids to let loose and get out all the energy they’ve pent-up over the school year. If your house emulates the care-free summer vibe, a fresh clean start in your home can help your kids refocus. Create a smoother transition from summer fun to school deadlines.

Family Time

Now that your schedules are full of school projects and homework, it can be hard to spend as much family time together. By having getting help from our maid service, we’ll take over the house cleaning, you create more opportunity for family time. Spending time together or simply sitting down for a meal as a family, is important to your kids. During the stress of the school year, spending time with family is essential.

Call us for a fresh start to the new school year and keep the clean going with regular cleanings. We have cleaning packages for every situation and need.

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