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Move Out Home Cleaning Service

Book your move-in / move-out cleaning.

Often, the worst part of moving is all the dirt you find once your things are packed and you can really see all the grime. Moving isn’t easy, the last thing you need to worry about is getting the old/new home cleaned. Leave it to the cleaning professionals to take care of the move-in / move-out cleaning for you.

When a residence gets rented it’s crucial that the new tenant moves into a clean space. As a tenant, it’s important to clean on the way out to get the deposit back.

Move In/Out
Doors and door frames dusted (spot cleaned), knobs cleaned included
Doors and door frames hand washed included
Light switch and plates cleaned included
Room is high dusted, free of cob webs included
Ceiling Fans & Vents dusted included
Ceiling Fans & Vents within reach using step ladder hand cleaned included
Light fixtures dusted included
Light fixtures within reach using step ladder hand cleaned included
Bookshelves and edge of books dusted included
Mirrors and interior French Doors spot cleaned or cleaned steak free as needed included
Baseboards Hand washed included
Floors vacuumed and mopped clean if non-carpeted. Check corners & edges of all floors. included

Services Not Included

  • Lifting or Moving large or heavy furniture
  • Cleaning bio-hazardous substances (feces, blood, etc)
  • Removal of mold
  • Cleaning inside China cabinets
  • Areas higher than 2nd step of stepladder
  • Cleaning inside the dishwasher, washing machine, or dryer
  • Cleaning any part of home exterior
  • Wiping light bulbs
  • Excessive trash or clutter
  • Cleaning inside fireplaces
  • Wet Clean the fronts of TVs
  • Cleaning infested properties (rodents, bugs, etc)
  • Service clients who are disrespectful to our staff
  • Move appliances that are permanently connected to electric, gas or water

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